Why should you be concerned
about your child's
developmental progress?

Why be concerned?

Our job as parents is to give our children the best opportunity for their success. One of the ways we can do this is to make sure they grow up with all of the resources and capabilities possible for them.

In the first five years of their lives, all of their basic emotions, behaviors, and thinking processes are developed in a complex set of steps (or tasks). Successful completion of these basic tasks gives them their abilities to function appropriately as adults in this world.

In the next few years, after your child has started school, there are some additional things you want to watch for to make sure your child does not have any possible developmental warning-signs.

If your child is not developing on the normal schedule, or if your child is displaying some of the possible warning-signs, you need to take action to get your child back on track.

What can you do to keep track of
your child's developmental progress?

How about a free interactive
developmental checklist?

Our checklist helps you keep track of those developmental steps/tasks for your child, during those critical first five years. And it helps you verify that your child is not showing any possible developmental warning-signs.

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Why a Developmental Checklist?

Your child's teachers and service providers need precise information about how a child is progressing developmentally. You can have at your fingertips a complete report about your child's progress. You can show exactly how your child is progressing through the normal developmental stages. You can show task by task how your child is progressing. And, you can show specifically any possible developmental warning-signs.


Imagine going to your child's pediatrician with this information. Instead of answering a questionnaire in your doctor's office about your child's developmental progress, you simply give the doctor a current copy of the Developmental Checklist Report for your child. The information is provided in both graphic and text format. It is easy to see, read, and understand. It is a complete record of your child's developmental progress. It is a snapshot of your child's developmental process.

I want to see what the report looks like.

Now, a free service which helps you
keep track of all these vitally important
Ages and Stages,
Tasks and Steps.

I want to begin using it now.

Proper Development:

Successful completion of these developmental tasks is essential for proper development. Here is a partial list of our capabilities which come from proper development in those first five years:

  • Our intelligence,

  • Our coordination and balance,

  • Our attention and concentration,

  • Our learning capabilities,

  • Our speaking and language skills,

  • Our reading and writing facility,

  • Our math capabilities, 

  • Our self-confidence, 

  • Our ability to sit still and be calm,

  • Our ability to work and play with others, and

  • Our stamina.

As a parent you can make sure your child is on track by completing this developmental checklist. Psychological and medical professionals agree that early identification of developmental problems makes it easier to help a child.

A free service that lets me help my child? I want to do this now.

Possible Warning-Signs of Developmental Delay or Disability

This Developmental Checklist helps you understand your child's developmental stages and helps you track your child's developmental process. The report will help you recognize your child's developmental progress and if there are any possible developmental warning-signs. It will help you discover if you need your health care provider to examine your child for any of the following developmental problems:

Developmental Delay Developmental Disability
Dyslexia PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)
LD (Learning Disability) Autism
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Asperger's
APD (Auditory Processing Disorder) GDD (Global Disability Disorder)

It will help you recognize that there might be problems for your child relating to any these or other developmental disorders, developmental problems, or developmental difficulties.

 I want to explore this now.


A father in Australia wrote:

Thanks very much for the very useful checklist. The psychiatrist at school has suggested that he may be ADD. In fact she suggested he may be an indigo child?!! I am skeptical he has ADD.

Your checklist confirmed that he is developmentally behind his peers and suggests areas we can focus our efforts on.

Easy to Use

This developmental survey is easy to use and will take you less than 30 minutes to complete. This is a small investment to make every few months to keep track of your child's developmental progress.

 I want to invest 30 minutes now.

Do It Later?

Maybe you like the idea and want to fill in the checklist later when you have time to devote to it.  It is probably a good idea to bookmark this page (or the checklist) so you can return and complete the checklist properly.

I want to go to the checklist and bookmark it.

Check It Out Now?

Maybe you like the idea, but are not sure if this is appropriate for you or for your child. It would probably be helpful for you to go to the checklist and look at it, to see if it is appropriate for you and your child.

I want to go to the checklist and look at it.

Developmental Problems?
Are you concerned about your child's
developmental progress?

Learn about our program for Developmental Problems


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